Sport England Visit

by Richard Lloyd on 8 March, 2020

As many of you will know in February 2019 I was instrumental in getting a Stadium Working Group set up in Aylesbury with a view to getting a new Stadium in Aylesbury. With that in mind I visited Sport England this week who co-ordinate many of the facility requirements across the country for a range of sports.

I didn’t doubt the work or time it would take to achieve our goals and it’s been a fascinating process. We have Aylesbury United who haven’t played in the Town for 16 years now and that turned out to be the tip of the iceberg.

The netball club, forced out of their home and their courts turned into permanent tennis courts (extremely frustrating that one in particular, I’ve nothing against tennis but tennis fixtures can be removable), the hockey club with a clubhouse but no pitch, expensive facilities at Grammar schools where storage can’t be kept and changing facilities are a long way from the playing fields. AVD relegated due to ground regulations, indoor facilities for martial arts not being available, the Athletics club again with storage and indoor issues.

It ought not to be a political issue but Conservative run Buckinghamshire authorities have simply not invested in sport, they have done good work on the Paralympics legacy and the cycling is beginning to take shape but there is a complete lack of will to do anything for anyone else. Casting an envious eye on Central Bedfordshire, who have made significant investments in sport, proves that.

So, back to Bisham Abbey, home of Sport England, they comment on and can provide funding for Sport Facilities and I had a really good discussion about what it actually takes to have facilities approved, proving the needs in Aylesbury as it expands should not be difficult!

In summary they approve of what the Lib Dems are doing in Aylesbury to address the lack of investment and gave good hints/tips on how to go about achieving our aims. Onwards and upwards!!

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